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Gregor Bond, M.D.

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Vienna Transplant and Complement (VIETAC) Lab

Our major goal is to understand the role of antibodies and complement in solid organ transplantation. In ongoing translational research projects we focus on pathophysiological, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of antibody-mediated transplant rejection. We are continuing to study the predictive accuracy of innovative antibody detection techniques including assays for in vitro detection of complement activation. Moreover, we are investigating the clinical relevance of complement deposition in allografts including atypical staining patterns.

Our research program also includes the establishment of novel desensitization and treatment protocols both in HLA- and ABO antibody-incompatible kidney transplantation. Based on the establishment of comprehensive renal and lung transplant biobanks, we are currently investigating the clinical relevance of genetic polymorphisms that presumably determine the intrinsic strength of the classical complement pathway.

Assoc. Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Gregor Bond PhD

Department of Internal Medicine III
Division of Nephrology and Dialysis

Tel: +43 (0)1 40400-43880